Revision 1.1.2

Player's Guide


Various spelling and grammar fixes.

Playtester credits added.

ISBN added. This is the primary purpose of this revision, and it reflects that this is intended to be the final release of the core rules.


The conditions under which you land Prone when falling have been adjusted. You now land Prone if you take any falling damage, rather than if you fall more than three spaces. This improves the effectiveness of actions that allow you to fall safely, such as *Elevate*.

Skills and Feats:

Fire Bead now deals half damage on a successful save, instead of dealing no damage on a successful save.

Reduced the cost of Infernal Weapon from 3 MP to 2 MP.

Grounding Weapon now lasts until the end of the target's next turn, bringing it in line with other, similar buffs.

The Flexible Casting feat now allows a hand holding any gear item, not just a Spellbook, to serve as a free hand when casting spells. Because a Spellbook is a gear item, this strictly improves the benefits provided by this feat.

The benefits of the Grappler feat now apply when attacking any participant in a grapple, not just the defender. This improves its overall utility.

Adjusted the wording of Mana Saver feat to make it clear that the healing surges it provides can be shared with allies through the Sacrificial Recovery feat.

The Familiar Summon now starts with 8 HP, rather than 5.

Vault has had its Upkeep cost increased from 1 to 2, and its initial cost has been reduced from 2 MP to 1 MP.

Gamemaster's Guide


Various spelling and grammar fixes.

Playtester credits added.

ISBN added. This is the primary purpose of this revision, and it reflects that this is intended to be the final release of the core rules.

The Fontlands:

The damage dealt by certain types of Fontlands Complications has been changed from a fixed number to a damage scale. For example, each day spend mired in the wendigo now deals Mild damage, which scales with tier. This is for consistency with other effects, and this table now serves as an example of how to use the Nonstandard Effects Table in play.


Barrier Coating now specifies that the shield must be in your hand to benefit from its effects, instead of merely being equipped. This is part of a suite of similar clarifications, not all of which will be detailed in full here. In general, the impacts to the behavior of any action, feat, or boon are negligible; these wording changes only clarify some minor edge cases.

Removed the Armor penalty of the Explosive Shield boon and changed the Magic Defense penalty to be removed once all charges have been expended. This encourages the wielder to make full use of the provided reaction, and it brings this boon closer in power to the similar Gem Armor boon.

The Seeking Shot option for the Specialty Ammunition boon has been renamed to Spirit Shot, to reduce the potential for confusion with the similarly named Seeking Strike action.

The Spirit-Tuning Fork now affects a Burst area, rather than a Sphere area. This removes potential ambiguity about what happens when a Spirit-Tuning Fork is moved after being activated.


The damage dealt by the Sandstorm and Thunderstorm weather conditions has been changed to a scaling amount, rather than a fixed number.

The damage dealt by gaining excess MP due to the Mana Surge weather condition has been raised, to keep it consistent with the similar effect caused by the Gateway Prism boon and the mana storm Fontlands Complication.


Several actions have been cleaned up, mostly relating to stating equipment requirements explicitly instead of as part of an action's effects.


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